In the framework of the CEEPUS programme, Dr. Magdolna Pál, professor at the Faculty of Engineering Sciences of the University of Novi Sad, gave a lecture on cutting and knitting technologies at Obuda University, Faculty of Mystery. The programme was organised in cooperation with Dr. Róbert Németh, faculty coordinator and Piroska Prokai, master teacher, and gave students an insight into the latest research and developments in the field, as well as the educational programmes of the University of Novi Sad.
The lecturer covered the theoretical and applied mechanical fundamentals of cutting technology, which are essential in both traditional knitting applications and packaging production. He paid particular attention to efforts to optimise cutting processes, increase efficiency and improve quality.
The technical presentation was followed by a lively discussion and a number of questions on the subject were raised. Feedback indicated that the programme provided a good opportunity for students to get up-to-date information on the latest developments in cutting technology and to exchange views with international experts.
Dr. Róbert Németh said that events of this kind under the CEEPUS programme contribute to strengthening international cooperation and raising the quality of higher education in the Central European region.
Piroska Prokai also commented on the success of the programme, saying that the technical lecture also contributed to the subject of printing technologies.
The Dean of the Rejtő Faculty of Obuda University also received a lecturer from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Novi Sad, with whom they discussed the possibilities and strengthening of international cooperation between the two universities. During the discussions, both sides placed great emphasis on the development of student mobility, research cooperation and joint educational programmes.
Dr. László habil Koltai, Dean of Obuda University, said that the University of Óbuda is open to closer cooperation with the University of Novi Sad also in the framework of the Pannonia Programme and is confident that in the future they will be able to implement many successful projects together. He stressed that it is important for both universities to maintain and strengthen their excellence in the field of engineering and that international cooperation can play a key role in this.
During the discussions, representatives of the two universities discussed the expansion of student mobility programmes, the launch of joint research projects and the development of joint educational programmes. They also discussed further possibilities for future cooperation, such as the organisation of joint conferences and workshops, and the organisation of peer exchange programmes.
The cooperation between Obuda University’s Faculty of Mystery and the University of Novi Sad Faculty of Engineering could be beneficial for both institutions. It will open up new study and research opportunities for students and new opportunities for researchers
In addition, closer links between the two universities can contribute to maintaining and strengthening excellence in the field of engineering.