At the 60th Scientific Students’ Conference held at Product Design Institute of RKK Obuda University on the 13th of November 2024, the students of our institute participated in two sessions.
In the Environmental Protection section, Csenge Tatarek achieved 1st place with her paper titled Testing the HRAMN methodology for assessing the condition of historic gardens in the case of the Tiszakürt Arboretum (supervisors: Dr. Krisztina Demény and Dr. Gábor Bakó). The aim of Csenge’s research was to analyze the applicability of high-resolution aerial imagery and modern geoinformation tools in assessing and monitoring the condition of historical gardens, using the Tiszakürt Arboretum as an example. She focused particularly on examining the applicability of HRAMN technology for accurate and detailed assessment of the plant stock and general condition of historical gardens.
A special award was given to two high school students from the Petrik Lajos Bilingual Vocational School of Chemistry, Environmental Protection and Information, Csongor Kertesi and Levente Zsigmond, for their paper titled Validation of air dispersion modeling with installed measuring stations. Their research examined the air pollution effects of the urban entry section of the M3 motorway to evaluate the applicability of simulation programs in small-scale environments and the need to review relevant regulations.
In the Design section, first place was awarded to Ivana Matoska for her project titled Train Interior Redesign (supervisor: Prof. Dr. Márta Kisfaludy, DLA), which focused on reimagining the interior design of a Macedonian train that caters specifically to the needs of families and children and encourages exploration and playfulness while fostering an appreciation for sustainable travel over car use.
Second place was secured by Karina Teilinger with her work Coffee Packaging and Branding Design (supervisor: Anna Tiefbrunner), where she developed the packaging and visual identity of a fictional coffee brand, emphasizing aroma preservation, practicality and sustainability.
Third place went to Abdulrahman Nuha for her thesis Exotic Spring-Summer 2025 Dress Collection (supervisor: Dr. Edit Csanák, DLA). Nuha translated the unique natural beauty of Yemen’s Socotra Island into a cohesive and innovative fashion collection, reflecting the island’s rich landscapes, exotic flora, and captivating textures.
Congratulations to the winners and all participants! Thank you very much for the work of the jury, the consultants and the evaluators!
Dr. habil. Róbert Németh DLA, faculty SSC responsible

Call for papers for the 59th Scientific Students’ Research Societies Conference (TDK)
To be held on April 24th, 2024 (Wednesday)
The authors registering data along with the content list must be saved on the faculty’s electronic TDK/SRS application portal, thereafter the consultant must accept such application until April 4th, 2024, (Thursday) until noon (12:00 a.m.).
During the scientific paper’s preparation, it is recommended for the authors to take the formal requirements of the National Students’ Scientific Associations targeted section into account: according to the call of the NCSRS/OTDT (
The students must upload the scientific papers to the faculty’s TDK/SRS system ( until April 18th, 2024 12:00 (noon) that the consultant must validate also.
The 59th Students’ Research Societies Conference results are going to be announced on a ceremonial event on May 8th, 2024, at 17:00 p.m. at Budapest 8th department, Tavaszmező utca 14–18. building in the TG.17. Lecture Hall.
We wish you good work and a successful conference!
March 3rd, 2024, Budapest
Dr. Vámossy Zoltán
ÓE CSRS president
Dr. habil. Németh Róbert DLA
Faculty SRS responsible