Welcome – Dean’s greeting

Welcome to the website of our faculty!

László Koltai Ph.D. Habil.
Associate Professor

Obuda University
Sándor Rejtő Faculty of Light Industry and Environmental Engineering

Rejtő Sándor Faculty of Light Industry and Environmental Engineering, and its legal predecessors, has undergone a number of serious transformations during their half-century of operations. We have constantly adapted to new situations and challenges presented to us, and we continue to do so. However, our mission has not changed: to train professionals who can ensure our environment is more comfortable and beautiful.

Our Faculty combines an accumulated high level of professional knowledge, real ongoing relations to industry and a high proportion of qualified instructors. These factors guarantee the preservation of knowledge. Together, they also allow the new scientific discoveries and innovations to progress.

As a university faculty, one of our main tasks is education. As such, we are proud of our highly regarded vocational training, which has been chosen by more than 1,200 students. We offer three basic courses in Hungarian and two in English, as well as two at Master’s level. After their Master’s studies, our students can continue their studies at the Doctoral School of Materials Science which was founded by the faculty.

Due to our close ties to industry, the faculty started dual training in 2017. This is an excellent and ongoing example of the close and effective collaboration between education and industry.

We are known for the tangible educational resources we offer students, as well as the intangible, most notably the enthusiasm that we impart in creating professionals in our field.  Supplementing this with accumulated knowledge of our faculty, a knowledge that we ourselves are committed to continuously expanding. We believe that these core ideals are the key to the preservation, and extension, of our technical and cultural values.

I wish you successful browsing of our website, and I hope this virtual meeting will be followed by a personal appointment.

I hope that as a student or a cooperating partner, a personal greet will be possible in the building of the faculty in Doberdó Street, Budapest.

We look forward to seeing you.